September 13, 2024

My Place (2009)


Documentary history series, 26 ep
Year: 2009-2011
Year in film: 1880s, others  
Country: Australia
Who in clothing: boys ~10-12 sailor suit
Who in clothing 2: girls
Available on DVD: yes ?
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: medium *       
Rating:  4/10 ?    
Rating: ****
Comment: New post. At least these episodes with boys and girls in sailor suits and similar. Pic 1 from s1e12 1898: Rowley. Nice dark blue collar with 2 thin red stripes and hat. Either Anthony Benson or Sam Fraser. Pic 2 from s1e13 1888: Victoria. I haven't checked all episodes but the hundeds of pics on IMDb. Wide range of years 1780s-2000s. Some few more historical clothes, suits in other episodes.

I recently found this YouTube channel called "Twisted Lunchbox" with nice Australian TV series.


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