June 23, 2024

Ein Wald klagt an


Educational short film, documentary 24 min
Year: 1962 (or 1960)
Year in film: 1961 or 1959
Country: Germany
Who in clothing: boys ~10-16 ?, Lederhosen
Who in clothing 2
Available on DVD: no ? 
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: low      
Rating:  5/10    
Rating: *****
Comment: 3 boys, maybe scouts probably THW boys (Technisches Hilfwerk), one is an older teen boy, in buckskin Lederhosen without suspenders and 2 zippers. Also cycling. Rather few scenes.

Another short educational movie from the 16mm channel. Directed by Rudi Hornecker. Profil-Film Frank Tietz (Köln). I also found another upload called "Ein Wald klagt an (1962)" but in lower quality 240p. According filmportal and other sources, 1960 release should be correct and 1960+1962 were presentations and 1962 one film competition. Filmed in 1959. Originally in 35 mm. Plot is about fire. Maybe 1960 is the runtime 19.6 minutes or reel length? Elsewhere it's 1954. (2 reels).

Nice but few good scenes. Rating ~4-5.

Some behind the scene photos (b&w) with more boys here (claiming to be filmed in Summer 1961)



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