Family mini series
-Year: 1968
-Year in film: 1890s ?
-Country: Sweden
-Who in clothing: boys ~8, girl ~13 sailor suit
-Who in clothing 2: boys, hist. clothes
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: low *
-Rating: 2/10 ?
-Rating: **
-Comment: I think at least 1 or 2 boys in sailor suits (one in a dark blue sailor suit at a fun fair) and one older girl in a white sailor dress. Not sure if the kid in pic 2 with the white collar is a boy. Also of course others including Bombi Bitt in historical clothes (including hat) and boys in pants with suspenders.
1932 novel by Fritiof Nilsson Piraten. Bombi Bitt is the Swedish Tom Sawyer. English title Bombi Bitt and Me. There is also a 1936 movie (as well available on DVD) but I don't know that one. That DVD also includes "Rännstensungar (1944)" another interesting movie. At least the 1974 version and some stage playes includes boys in sailor suits and other historical clothes (coming soon).
The plot and the movies aren't that bad. Also shirtless scenes. But for the very few and short sailor suit scenes rating 2-3 only.
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