I have checked almost the complete 3h movie except for the last 30 minutes (but I don't assume good scenes there as they show much older teens or young men set in the 70s).
The beginning show some few scenes of a younger boy (pic 1, around 6-7 yo) set in the 1960s in short but too large buckskin Lederhosen with H-style suspenders. Then 1 hour no scenes of interest.
Then many scenes with him outside also some sitting scenes, also in a sleeveless white undershirt (and Lederhosen) also smoking and drinking beer. Also in tighty whiteys. He is often together with a young girl (that wears dental braces). Quite good scenes but he's very young.
Then there's another boy with longer curly hair (pic below). A bit fewer but better scenes, mostly inside, also sitting. Scenes are set 3 years later. He's still quite young.
So still rating 5. I'm still not sure about their names (Karl ?) there are also some other kids names (I haven't noticed).

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