-Year: 1953
-Year in film: 1930s ?
-Country: Austria
-Who in clothing: men in Lederhosen, uniforms
-Who in clothing 2: boys in Lederhosen ?
-Available on DVD: no
-I own: yes, partly TV recording
-Clothing occurence: medium ?
-Rating: 3/10 ?
-Rating: ***
-Comment: At least some young men in Lederhosen also dancing including Schuhplattler. Looks like at least one man in black smooth finish Lederhosen. I think I've also seen some young boys in Lederhosen in the background. Some musicians in historical uniforms (firemen ?).
Had just been aired. Unfortunately I have only seen the last 30 minutes. And hope for a soon rebroadcasting.
Good and funny and typical movie of it's time including comedy and music. Starring Hans Holt and Rudolf Carl. Directed by Fritz Böttger. Czech operetta by V. Tolarsky. There is also a 1971 remake (which I also have to check and also seems to be rare). Not sure about the setting. Either ~1936 (operetta and cars) or 1950s (maybe wrong props).
Can't rate any higher than 2-3 for now.
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