Short film, 34 min.
–Year: 2004
–Year in film: 1946
–Country: USA
–Who in clothing: girl ~8, sailor dress
–Who in clothing 2: boys, girls hist. clothes
–Available on DVD: no ?
–I own: no
–Clothing occurrence: low-
–Rating: 3/10
–Rating: ***
–Comment: At least this girl in a nice short dark blue sailor dress. Collar with 2 stripes. Red scarf. Also at least a girl in blue shortalls or mor likely a dress. I first found 2 short clips then 5 short clips on YouTube what could almost be the complete movie. But later also one complete official clip. Director Tamela D'Amico. Quite late 1946 setting.
In fact I was searching for the 1999 Italian movie "Volare!".
Rating ~3.