Drama starring Dirk Bogarde
-Year: 1948
-Year in film: 1891, earlier
-Country: UK
-Who in clothing: boy ~15 sailor suit
-Who in clothing 2: boy ~ 10 hist. clothes
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: very low
-Rating: 3/10
-Rating: ***
-Comment: One very tall teen boy in a dark sailor suit at the end of the movie. I think this is 15 yo uncredited Gareth Van Den Bogaerde (looking much older). Also one much younger boy in historical clothes (I think including a string tie and also a cap) but probably not in sailor suit. Many supporting actors (of course also women) in some scenes (set between 1870s and 1880s), but maybe nothing more of interest.
Currently on YouTube along some other classics. (I only have checked it at high speed).
A very short scene of this teen boy. Also entering the room showing front and back or rather side view. Collar is quite long. Pants are flared at legs. He is shortly touching his scarf but nothing more.
Famous novel by George Moore. There are also at least 2 other adaptions which I also have to check but they are more rare.
For sailor suit scenes rating 2-3 for now. I somehow expected much more.