TV comedy series, 73 ep
–Year: 1969-1972
–Year in film: 1969, 70
–Country: USA
–Who in clothing: girl Joey ~7, sailor dress
–Who in clothing 2: boys jeans
–Available on DVD: yes
–I own: no
–Clothing occurence: low ?
–Rating: 3/10 ?
–Rating: ***
–Comment: Jodie Foster, around 6 or 7 yo in 1970 (also appearing in 1969 + 1971) wearing a Scottish kilt-like skirt and a white blouse and a red sailor collar and red dickey, 2 white stripes. I'm not sure which episode, maybe s1e8 in 1969.
She also wears a red short dress and a dark blue collar and dark blue dickey in s2e13.
Also starring Brandon Cruz (pic 2) and several other boys in jeans.
Based on the famous 1963 movie starring Ronnie Howard. Both also soon on my bedroom blog.
For the sailor dresses rating 3 only.
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