November 29, 2017

Little Men (1940)


Drama, Kay Francis
Year: 1940
Year in film: ~1940 ?
Country: USA
Who in clothing: boy ~12 ??
Who in clothing 2:
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurence: very low
Rating:  3/10
–Rating: ***
Comment: At least this older, blonde boy in a long sailor suit and cap. Dark blue collar and dickey. Dark, maybe black pants. Not sure about his name.

I think very few and brief scenes.

So rating 3 only. Available als as restored DVD.

Starring 14 yo Sammy McKim (but is darkhaired).

Remake of a 1934 movie. The 1998 remake soon on my bedroom blog.

November 28, 2017

Info: comments

Please don't send me links with RAR or other archives or other questionable stuff! I won't download them anyway.

Otherwise I will turn off the comment function.

November 26, 2017

Der Räuber Hotzenplotz (1974)

Family film. Gert Fröbe
Year: 1974
Year in film: 1900s ?
Country: Germany
Who in clothing: Seppl ~19 ? Lederhosen
Who in clothing 2:
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: medium ?
Rating:  2/10 ?
–Rating: **
Comment: At least 18 or 19 yo Gerhard Acktun in longer, black, buckskin Lederhosen. H-style suspenders in smooth finished leather. Green Tyrolean hat.

Quite funny, but the actor is way too old. There's also a 1979 sequel but also with mainly grown-up actors.

Rating 2-3 for now.

I also have uploaded a larger pic of the 2006 remake (boy, rating 4)


November 24, 2017

Update: Stadt, Land, Bus


I found the episode of the Lederhosen. It's episode 6. The complete episode showing Lederhosen, but mainly the older teen boys. Also later young and very young boys and also men inside and outside including dancing Schuhplattler.

Has also been aired, but is also available on the mediathek.

I think few good scenes (most from a distance), so still rating 4.


November 22, 2017

Für 'n Groschen Brause

TV drama
Year: 1983
Year in film: 1950-(53)
Country: Germany
Who in clothing: boys ~10, sailor suits
Who in clothing 2: boys, shorts
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurrence: low +
Rating:  4/10 ?
–Rating: ****
Comment: Boys of a Boys Choir (obviously The Thomanerchor as the movie is set in Leipzig) in dark blue sailor suits (looks like older, real footage scenes to me, maybe even 1970s) and also at least 2 boys (actors) in sailor suits, close-up. Very short collar flaps and collars angled at front. Also several boys in shorts. I haven't found any in Lederhosen.

Also soon on my bedroom and pigtails blog.

Nice movie. Some handsome boys. Novel by Dieter Zimmer. Another great movie in the Große Geschichten DVD movie series.

For sailor suits, rating 4-5 for now. Needs to be rechecked at slow speed.

Update: The novel has boys in Lederhosen.


November 16, 2017

Split Infinity


Year: 1992
Year in film: 1929
Country: USA
Who in clothing: girls, sailor dresses
Who in clothing 2: boy, girls overalls
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurence: low +
Rating:  3/10 ?
–Rating: ***
Comment: Some girls and teen girls in sailor dresses and similar. Also boys, teen boys and a teen girl in bib overalls and shortalls (other blog, rating 7). Pic 1 at 55 minutes, pic 2 at 38. Other boys in historical clothes but mainly in pants with suspenders or overalls. I don't remember knickers.

Interesting movie with a time travel plot.

Some few interesting scenes but the bib overalls are much better.

Also a spanking scene of an older teen boy at school (in overalls) at the beginning.

So for sailor dresses rating 3 only.


November 12, 2017

Stadt, Land, Bus


Teen travel reality TV. 8 ep
Year: 2017
Year in film: 2010s
Country: Germany
Who in clothing: boys Lederhosen
Who in clothing 2: men Lederhosen
Available on DVD: no
I own: no
Clothing occurence: medium-
Rating:  4/10 ?
–Rating: ****
Comment: Some boys and men in Lederhosen. Unknown episode. It's about "typical German".

I think only available online at zdf. Currently 4 episodes only. Probably not that one yet picured (taken from a trailer).

Rating 4-5 for now. Main characters are older teens (maybe not in Lederhosen). But at least swimwear.

Update: The Lederhosen scenes in ep 6. Complete episode showing Lederhosen, mainly the older teen oys, some young and very young boys later and men. Has also been aired on Kika. And available on the mediathek.


November 2, 2017

Rigoletto (1993)


Drama / musical
Year: 1993
Year in film: 1930s
Country: USA
Who in clothing: girls, sailor dresses
Who in clothing 2: boys overalls
Available on DVD: yes
I own: no
Clothing occurence: low +?
Rating:  5/10 ?
–Rating: *****
Comment: Some girls and teen girls (and maybe women) in sailor dresses or similar. Most notable this teen girl, (13 yo Ivey Lloyd) in a white sailor dress with white collar, 2 red stripes and a blue scarf.

Also some boys in bib overalls (other blog rating 6).

I have to recheck this movie at slow speed.

For sailor dresses, rating 5-6 only.