Western musical
-Year: 1955
-Year in film: ~1880s
-Country: USA
-Who in clothing: women, sailor dresses
-Who in clothing 2: boys overalls, other clothes
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: low
-Rating: 3/10
-Rating: ***
-Comment: At least these 2 young women in blue and green sailor dresses dancing. Long collar flaps and straw hats. Also 2 young boys in blue jeans bib overalls (see my other blog rating 4, one is pictured on the far right). Also boy(s) in other clothes and men in jeans and chaps. There are many supporting actors and there might be others in sailor suits or other historical clothes (maybe long leather pants or similar).
Quite interesting.
I like western movies but haven't checked it completetly and have to wait for the next broadcasting to check also if other scenes of interest.
For more infos see my overalls blog. I also have there a list of western movies (with overalls) and also some books and other interesting pics from 1970s and 80s catalogues.
For sailor dress scenes rating 2-3 only.