US Trapp Family, musical, Julie Andrews, 5 Oscars
-Year: 1965
-Year in film: 1936
-Country: USA
-Who in clothing: Kurt ~11, Friedrich 14, Lederhosen
-Who in clothing 2: boys, girls, sailor suits
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes DVD *
-Clothing occurence: medium
-Rating: 8/10
-Rating: ********
-Comment: Duane Chase as Kurt (youngest boy, pictured top left and bottom right in short Lederhosen, looks like smooth finish), Nicholas Hammond as Friedrich (other boy pictured an all pics) in long pants with H-suspenders and pants in boots) Also selfmade Lederhosen style pants made from green curtains (bottom left), other kids also in similar clothings, but Kurt not in Lederhosen style. Also breeches, Kurt in long nightshirt, Friedrich in pajamas. One other boy in brief scene in Lederhosen ringing bell in bell tower. At the end alpine capes. I think Kurt in 2 different Lederhosen (bottom right looks lighter than other).
So finally I have also watched this US version of the "Die Trapp-Familie" (for the original German film of 1956 starring Michael Ande, see that entry, rating 10).
I like also this musical. The plot is of course the same though here some plot more detailed and featuring many (other) songs. Some scenes are exactly the same (eg dad whistling for the kids), some scenes are more detailed and dramatic (end scenes, fleeing and hiding), some scenes are different or missing (water splashing scene, here falling from a boat in a lake in those green suits). I think I don't have to tell the complete plot. You will find it elsewhere.
I somehow wonder, why this version is worldwide much more famous. Perhaps because of the songs or of Julie Andrews or the landscape scenes. I also wonder why American actors are playing Austrians (because of singing?) and if Europeans or even Americans prefer native Austrian or German people in Lederhosen. Myself I even prefer Americans in Lederhosen.
I don't like the unusual green grey sailor suits here. Why is that? At least short soft pants. Short scenes only. The Lederhosen scenes I like here much more but are medium to fewer occurences and real Lederhosen by Kurt only.
For more about the sailor suits, and pic of the back see entry "Info 12: Length of sailor collars".
Some songs and performances are good but I have to watch it more often and also check the other languages. Film is 168 minutes and if you don't see it in one turn you might have forgotten the beginning (and the 2 other Trapp films). It's hard to tell, which version I like more. Both have pros and cons.
My favourite scenes are at (0:25, kids first, 46 pajamas, 52 green clothing, 57 first Lederhosen, 58 cycling in green, 59 Lederhosen bottom right, 107 falling in water, 114, 118 breeches, 126, 129, 140 sitting Lederhosen, 153 standing Lederhosen, 213 bell tower, 229, 245 capes).
Music: I have now heard the songs in all 4 languages. Songs are in total 52 minutes. About the half of the songs are performed by the whole family. My favourite songs are of course the title song and my favourite song with the kids is "So Long, Farewell" (also later as reprise). The most alpine song, even more than Edelweiss, and one of my favorites is "The Lonely Goatherd" also showing marionettes, one in yellow Lederhosen and a goat with cap). Interesting language differences. I don't like the yodeling of the French and Catalan versions.
DVD: There are many different versions. I own the German 1 disc 45th anniversary edition (incl. German, English, French and Spanish language). Image quality is very good. Only real extra is a 2 minute tour docu, at least with a still of the actors showing how they look today. There are 2 notable editions (the Blu-Ray with new high-res transfer) and the 2 disc DVD with all available extras. Film is in 70mm (1:2.20) so a bit wider than 16:9 widescreen.
I will watch the other Films and this again and later updating again (favourite song, scenes or maybe else I have missed). Interesting and funny also some single frames and glances of the actors.
For the 2011 Salzburg musical see
Deleted clip removed.