This is my 2nd blog about feature films, TV series and documentaries with boys, girls, men and women in sailor suits, Lederhosen and other historical clothing of the 19th century and beyond. I collect informations, trailer videos, low-res images and personal comments/ratings. This blog was introduced in 2011. 2012-2020 on Wordpress. Now I'm back. Update will take a while.
April 15, 2017
Die Dasslers
Biography in 2 parts. Adidas, Puma
–Year: 2016
–Year in film: (1920s), 1930s, later
–Country: Germany
–Who in clothing: boy Lederhosen, sailor suit
–Who in clothing 2: shorts, woman sailor dress
–Available on DVD: yes ?
–I own: no
–Clothing occurence: low ?
–Rating: 4/10 ?
–Rating: ****
–Comment: Part 1 has been aired yesterday, but I missed it almost completetly, as I have seen something else.
At least a young boy in a blue sailor suit and another boy in Lederhosen. Obviously few and brief scenes at around 1h11 (pics 2+3). Update: Pic 1 is at 1h02 (set in or before Olympia 1936 ?). Update 2 Also at least one woman in a sailor dress at 46.
I have to recheck it, as well check part 2 (broadcasting today, Saturday). Probably even fewer scenes in part 2, which is mainly set later. Subtitle: Pioniere, Brüder und Rivalen. Available on the mediathek.
Setting starts in 1922. Scenes probably set around 1936 or 1939 just before WWII (or maybe flashback scenes ).
Rating 3-4 for now only. Obviously very few scenes of interest.
English title: Rivals Forever - The Sneaker Battle. Not to be confused with "Duell der Brüder - Die Geschichte von Adidas und Puma" aka "Adidas vs. Puma" (also in 2016). I have to check this as well.
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