This is my 2nd blog about feature films, TV series and documentaries with boys, girls, men and women in sailor suits, Lederhosen and other historical clothing of the 19th century and beyond. I collect informations, trailer videos, low-res images and personal comments/ratings. This blog was introduced in 2011. 2012-2020 on Wordpress. Now I'm back. Update will take a while.
August 30, 2016
Ein Geheimnis im Dorf - Schwester und Bruder
Modern Heimatfilm starring Max von Thun
–Year: 2016
–Year in film: 1980s ?, 2010s
–Country: Austria
–Who in clothing: boys ~6+9, Lederhosen
–Who in clothing 2: boy ~11 jeans
–Available on DVD: no ?
–I own: no, partly TV recording
–Clothing occurence: very low ?
–Rating: 3/10 ?
–Rating: ***
–Comment: Has been aired yesterday. Unfortunately I have missed most parts and the complete last 30 minutes. I noticed only one very brief flashback scene (set maybe in the late 70s or 80s) at 12 minutes scene with a young boy in longer buckskin Lederhosen with H-style suspenders (mainly from a distance). Also a 2nd older boy but very briefly (headshot). The younger boy is also being spanked lying on the grass (close-up vies/headshots).
Available on the mediathek but I don't have the time to check the complete movie at slow speed. I will check some scenes from the end, if I have missed anything, please comment.
One older boy (Enzo Gaier), around 11 yo but probably not in Lederhosen but jeans.
Rating 3 for now only. Typical modern Heimatfilm with crime elements.
Also being aired yesterday: Der Mann, der nach Oma kam.
That movie itself was good and funny, but the boy in Lederhosen too young. Rating 3.
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