This is my 2nd blog about feature films, TV series and documentaries with boys, girls, men and women in sailor suits, Lederhosen and other historical clothing of the 19th century and beyond. I collect informations, trailer videos, low-res images and personal comments/ratings. This blog was introduced in 2011. 2012-2020 on Wordpress. Now I'm back. Update will take a while.
March 17, 2016
Family series, 6/10 ep
–Year: 1979
–Year in film: 1916
–Country: Sweden
–Who in clothing: Madicken ~7, sailor dress
–Who in clothing 2: boys ~5-10 sailor suit, other cl.
–Available on DVD: yes *
–I own: no
–Clothing occurrence: medium
–Rating: 7/10
–Rating: *******
–Comment: Fist the main character, girl Madicken in a blue striped sailor dress, blue sailor collar, squared at the front, 2 white stripes in Germany's ep 3 (pic 4). And some boys in and outside the school in different sailor suits Also others in historical clothes of the 1910s. Typical Swedish series, novels by Astrid Lindgren.
Pic 1 showing a blond, chubby boy in a light blue striped sailor suit with a white long collar and 3 stripes in ep 8. Some more boys in this episodes in interesting sailor suits, one boy in a pink-white or red striped sailor suit and one in a blue white striped sailor collar, rectangled at the front (behind the other boy in the light blue shirt).
Pic 3 is from ep 9 showing a very young boy in a sailor suit and an older boy who is often shown in other historical clothes. Unpictured a boy in a dark green grey suit and matching collar and black pants in ep 9 and earlier.
In total rather few scenes. Earlier scenes at school showing I think nobody in regular sailor suits. Also girls with no clothes at all.
I think the series is not on DVD but 2 movies which are short versions (like other Lindgren series). 1st one is called "Du är inte klok, Madicken" English title You're Out of Your Mind, Maggie.
Rating 7-8.
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