Kids reality TV, 3+ seasons
-Year: 2009
-Year in film: 2013
-Country: Germany
-Who in clothing: boys 13-15, Lederhosen
-Who in clothing 2: boys, girls snow overalls
-Available on DVD: no
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: low+ *
-Rating: 4/10
-Rating: ****
-Comment: 5 German teen boys in long buckskin Lederhosen with wide green Tyroleyn H-style suspenders and also in snow pants or snow overalls. Also dancing Schuhplattler. Lederhosen scenes at least in ep. 7. Also other scenes like swimming shorts. They were visiting Tyrol. So maybe Austrian guys there as well. Also men in shorter Lederhosen.
Season 3 starting on Monday on German Kika.
I can't say much more yet. Probably few good (Lederhosen) scenes. I thought that this would be a new season. But maybe I have seen it in 2013.
All episodes can be watched on
Update: Quite funny. They learn to dance Schuhplattler. Also dressing on the Lederhosen (showing satin boxer shorts underneath). Also talking about wearing Lederhosen. One boy from Munich said it's not that bad and is used to them, but don't wear them often. I don't like the green suspenders and the boys are very thin. Although teen boys still rating 4.
Now also on my bedroom blog, rating 6. And also on my shiny shorts blog, including other seasons. Philipp Schmitze-Elsen also appeared in Das erste Mal ... USA (bib overalls blog rating 4).
This is my 2nd blog about feature films, TV series and documentaries with boys, girls, men and women in sailor suits, Lederhosen and other historical clothing of the 19th century and beyond. I collect informations, trailer videos, low-res images and personal comments/ratings. This blog was introduced in 2011. 2012-2020 on Wordpress. Now I'm back. Update will take a while.
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