Romance musical film starring Walter Giller
-Year: 1957
-Year in film: 1950s
-Country: Germany
-Who in clothing: boy ~11, Lederhosen
-Who in clothing 2: boys, shorts
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes, TV recording
-Clothing occurrence: low
-Rating: 4/10 *
-Rating: ****
-Comment: One boy, about 11 yo in light brown buckskin Lederhosen without suspenders (pictured), just 2 short scenes. I don't know his name. And the Lederhosen are a bit too big (or the boy too thin). Blond boy but not very handsome. The other actor (main boy character and film brother of Walter Giller) is12 or 13 yo Harald Martens as Eugen (also starring in Vater, Mutter und neun Kinder", rating 7). Good light grey shorts. He's often shown and not as thin. There is also an older third boy in dark grey shorts sitting together in a bar and later going outside. The boy in Lederhosen was wearing then dark blue shorts.
Typical romance/musical/comedy film of the late 1950s. I have announced this movie earlier, now finally a complete entry. Also starring singer Freddy Quinn, comedian Gisela Schlüter and Gardy Granass. Novel by Aldo von Pinelli. Directed by Hans Quest ("Wenn der Vater mit dem Sohne" "Tante Frieda - Neue Lausbubengeschichten" (rating 8), "Charleys Tante").
I don't like this movie. And the few Lederhosen scenes are weak. I think not shown from behind.
Rating 3-4 for Lederhosen scenes, the shorts scenes are much better.
Update: I forgot to add the tag choir. There's a men's choir but boy soloist Harald Mertens singing very well a catching tune. Also quite good jeans.
This is my 2nd blog about feature films, TV series and documentaries with boys, girls, men and women in sailor suits, Lederhosen and other historical clothing of the 19th century and beyond. I collect informations, trailer videos, low-res images and personal comments/ratings. This blog was introduced in 2011. 2012-2020 on Wordpress. Now I'm back. Update will take a while.
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