This is my 2nd blog about feature films, TV series and documentaries with boys, girls, men and women in sailor suits, Lederhosen and other historical clothing of the 19th century and beyond. I collect informations, trailer videos, low-res images and personal comments/ratings. This blog was introduced in 2011. 2012-2020 on Wordpress. Now I'm back. Update will take a while.
December 29, 2014
Die kleine Lady
Family film starring Christiane Hörbiger
-Year: 2012
-Year in film: 1880s
-Country: Germany, Austria
-Who in clothing: Emily 9, sailor dress
-Who in clothing 2: boy, traditional clothes
-Available on DVD: yes
-I own: yes, TV recording
-Clothing occurence: very low
-Rating: 2/10
-Rating: **
-Comment: Philippa Schoene wearing a long medium blue sailor dress with a short white collar, 2 stripes. Matching blue dickey, no scarf. I only noticed one very brief scene in that sailor dress. There's also a poor boy acting but not in a sailor suit but brown or grey knickers or suit, later in a noble black suit. Very brief scenes as well. Sorry, I don't have a pic of that. Also the girl in lots of other clothes and dresses.
A female version of Little Lord Fauntleroy which had been aired on Christmas. English title: Little Lady. The Earl and Hobbs (Veronica Ferres) are also women here.
The movie is nothing special and of course I prefer the Lord Fauntleroy movies. Especially starring Rick Schroder.
Poor movie, very few scenes (showing sailor clothes and also boys).
So rating 1-2.
December 25, 2014
Weihnachten mit Rolando Villazón
Alpine Christmas choir show
-Year: 2014
-Year in film: 2014
-Country: Austria
-Who in clothing: boys ~11-13 Lederhosen
-Who in clothing 2:
-Available on DVD: no ?
-I own: yes, partly TV recording
-Clothing occurence: often
-Rating: 4/10 ?
-Rating: ****
-Comment: About 5 boys and younger teen boys in longer Lederhosen. At least one with H-style suspenders. Most have their jacket closed. One without H-style suspenders, one with a tie. Older teen boys in black suits and younger girls in traditional clothes (dresses).
As announced before I cannot receive the channel Bayerischer Rundfunk anymore which often shows alpine chistmas with choir boys in Lederhosen.
Yesterday this show had been aired, but I missed the first half. Can be watched again on the website of servustv.
Maybe I should have an eye of this next year. There are often new choirboys each year anyway. Choir must be "Salzburger Festspiele und Theater Kinderchor".
One handsome younger boy (Luca or Lucas, feminine looking).
Can't rate higher than 3-4 for some scenes of longer Lederhosen from a distance. Also close-up headshots but Lederhosen can't be seen there.
December 23, 2014
December 20, 2014
Info 190: Update: You Can’t Do That on Television
Like on my overalls blog (f/m, rating 6) I also found several more boys and girls in sailor suits, sailor dresses.
My favourite actor in this show is Doug Ptolemy (pic 2) in episode "Censorship".
Pic 1 showing Amyas Godfrey (low neckline, long collar flap also very handsome) in 1989 ep. "Cleanliness". Pic 3 is from the same episode also showing 2 girls in the middle (one other scene is with a dirty muddy boy). Chris Bickford on the right (saying: stupid sissy sailor suits) and I think Ted Wilson 2nd from left (very short neckline), Amyas on left. Pic 4 I found first. I think this is young Alasdair Gillis in ep. "Bullying" in a long blue white sailor suit with medium blue pants and dickey.
Also in sailor suit: Asian looking James Tung in ep. Censorship (few scenes).
Also the previously known boys and girls in sailor suits in ep. Censorship (see main entry rating 8).
Sailor suits seem of thin fabric and more like costumes. Stripes on the collars are not angled at 90 degrees but crossing each other and leading to the end of the collar. (I have sometimes seen it in French movies like Le temps des secrets).
And several shirtless scenes, scenes in underwear, shiny shorts, speedos etc.
December 16, 2014
Nahimovcy (1946)
-Year: 1946-1949
-Year in film: 1940s
-Country: Soviet Union
-Who in clothing: boys ~12-18, sailor suits
-Who in clothing 2:
-Available on DVD: no ?
-I own: no
-Clothing occurence: often
-Rating: 4/10 ?
-Rating: ****
-Comment: Many, mainly younger teen boys in white and black sailor suits with blue collars in different shades of colors, mainly longer and wide collars (folded).
Russian title “Нахимовцы”. I’m not sure about the transliteration. This is a documentary about the naval school named after admiral Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov. I haven’t found an entry on IMDb.
In total at least more than 2 hours.
Some good scenes, but I prefer color movies.
Also see
(Also on my bedroom blog). More entries about this subject to come.
December 9, 2014
Info 189: Update Krempoli
I checked some more episodes of Krempoli - Ein Platz für wilde Kinder, and there is not just the blond boy in short grey Lederhosen but also in longer brown Lederhosen.
Next to a boy and girl in blue bib overalls there's also a boy in red overalls (and rubber boots).
I haven't checked all episodes of it. Was very famous in the 70s but appears quite poor nowadays. (Especially haircut and glasses), but Lederhosen (and handsome blond boys) are never out of style.
Still rating 6.
December 5, 2014
Nahimovskoe uchilishe (2004)
-Year: 2004
-Year in film: 1940s-2000s
-Country: Russia
-Who in clothing: boys ~12-18, sailor suits
-Who in clothing 2:
-Available on DVD: no ?
-I own: no
-Clothing occurrence: often
-Rating: 6/10 ?
-Rating: ******
-Comment: Several boys and younger teen boys, around 120 boys (shown at once from above in one frame) in different white and mainly dark blue sailor suits including dark blue long pants. Typical rather long and wide collar flaps (folded twice). Also a good bedroom scene, shirtless in bunk beds (soon on by other blog, rating 6).
Another (obviously a TV) documentary about the Russian Naval school named after Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov including footage of the 1976 movie (rating 6) and the 1946-1949 series (coming soon). Similar entries coming soon.
Original Russian title "Нахимовское училище " 35 minutes, on YouTube, no entry on IMDb. Transliteration might be a bit different.
Here there are mosty younger teen boys show and not in black pants. Very interesting subject but rather few good scenes.
Rating 6 as well.